
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Update: I'm not dead, MediaFLO coming soon

First off, I'm not dead, there just really hasn't been anything all that interesting happening it seems... AT&T is confirming that MediaFLO is coming “as early as possible next year," according to Mark Siegel, Media Relations at AT&T. Sounds pretty promising right? MediaFLO will offer 8 channels which include CBS Mobile, Fox Mobile, NBC2Go, NBC News2Go, ESPN Mobile TV, MTV, Comedy Central and Nickelodeon. Hopefully we'll be seeing some hoopla about this soon.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Unrelated: RIP CompUSA

I know this has almost nothing to do with this blog, but it holds a place in my heart... CompUSA is closing it's doors after 24 years. Who would have guessed right, with their warm and friendly atmosphere, excellent customer service, and wide selection of...computers? Engadget broke the news. You will be missed, by at least one person...

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Confirmed: Google to bit on 700MHz

Sorry for the slow 2 weeks, DSL was getting switched, but Google has finally announced it's intent to bid on the 700MHz open-access C Block. Engadget says it best "The bidding begins on January 24th with a minimum of $4.6 billion required for the open-access C Block. Wake the kids, phone the neighbors, it's going to get ugly fast."
This past year we have seen some unprecedented moves from cell phone companies, like I've stated before, and this will only drive the push for a more consumer benefiting market.